Originally this was the most important thing about martial arts – to reach a higher level, to become a strong human being. Strong doesn’t mean big arms. It means who can be a more strict human being with himself. That is the ideal of martial arts.” – Tsutomu Ohshima, founder, Shotokan Karate of America
Welcome to the Chico Dojo of Shotokan Karate of America. Shotokan Karate of America (SKA) is a non-profit organization teaching traditional Karate in the United States since 1955. SKA has more than 120 dojos in North America, and is affiliated with national Shotokan organizations in thirteen countries, including Canada, France, Israel, Spain, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Japan. Chico Shotokan Karate is dedicated to teaching Karate in the traditional Japanese manner. We welcome adult students of any age and children from age 7 (children must turn 7 years old in the session for which they are registered). Class structure allows for the admittance of new adult students at any time of the year and of new children students at regularly scheduled dates. The Dojo is located at:

Chico Shotokan Karate Dojo (Former) 530-518-2070
Chico Dojo
3330 State Highway 32
Chico CA 95973
Note: To promote to an official SKA rank, current membership in SKA is required.